When You Reach The End Of Your Rope, Tie A Knot And Hang

By Valerie LeMonte  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

When You Reach The End Of Your Rope, Tie A Knot And Hang

Growing up, my 4-H livestock were a once a year deal. I would have the animals for three to four months, take them to my tiny fair and repeat the process the next year. The older I got, the more competitive my sister and I became. This lead to having anywhere between six to ten animals in the barn from January to October.

Though this may not seem like much, for us this was an extreme shift from what we were used to. It took a toll not only on our wallets (sorry mom and dad), but also on our desire to keep going.

We would start off the year strong, but halfway through the show season everything would start to slip. Showmanship would be practiced less, hair wouldn’t be worked as often, and getting up to feed in the morning was a struggle. But winners aren’t made from minimal effort.

Winners are made the constant nagging of your parents, from late nights in the barn, and from constantly giving it your all. So when you reach the end of your rope and feel like giving up, remember to tie a knot and hang on.

-Taylor Richardson

“Doing what I love, loving what I do,” is the quote that I base my life upon. Inspired by my grandfather, I strive to be a service-minded individual in both the stock show and agriculture industries. Growing up you could find me in the barns with my lambs and goats, serving as an officer for my FFA chapter, or playing badminton! Though my hometown is in Sonoma County, California I am currently living in Chico, California as I pursue a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Science and a teaching credential in Agriculture Education. I look forward to the next year guest blogging for Weaver Leather Livestock and am so grateful for the opportunity!


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