Universal Feeder Hanger Replacement Knob

SKU: 69654-00


  • Replacement knob fits the Weaver Feeder Hanger (69650-00) and the Universal Feeder Hanger (69651-00)

Additional Details

Replacement knob fits the Weaver Feeder Hanger (69650-00) and the Universal Feeder Hanger (69651-00).

Warranty Information

Weaver Livestock warrants its aluminum, galvanized and steel livestock equipment products for a period of one year to be free from defects in material and workmanship under correct and proper use and normal operating conditions. This warranty does not extend to any component parts not manufactured by Weaver Livestock.

Prior authorization from Weaver Livestock’s customer service department is required before any component parts or equipment can be accepted by Weaver Livestock for repair, replacement, or credit under this warranty. Repair or replacement will be at the option of Weaver Livestock. The warranty shall not apply if it is determined by Weaver Livestock that the equipment or parts have been subject to abuse or misuse, damage through no fault of Weaver Livestock or its employees, or altered by someone other than Weaver Livestock or authorized by Weaver Livestock.

Weaver Livestock makes no express warranties other than those that are specifically described herein. This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties express or implied. There are no implied warranties of any kind including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. If any Weaver Livestock product is not exactly what you hoped for, simply return it promptly to the place of purchase for a refund.

Universal Feeder Hanger Replacement Knob
Weaver Livestock

Universal Feeder Hanger Replacement Knob

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