Selecting the Right Show Calf Fitting Adhesive Remover

In this video, Bob May discusses and demonstrates breaking down a calf with adhesive remover to effectively remove show day product. If he has to break down a calf and fit it again in a short amount of time, he'll go for ProRefit adhesive remover, which doesn't leave an oily residue. However, Bob May will use ProRemover adhesive remover if he's done with stock shows for the day or week because it helps prevent dandruff more than ProRefit. Effectively removing show day products with either of these adhesive removers will help keep your calf's hide and hair healthy.

Bob likes to gently comb in the ProRefit with a plastic skip tooth cattle comb to avoid pulling out leg hair. Afterward, he goes back over the area with a scrub cow brush and then blows out the ProRefit using a cattle blower. You know you’re done when the cattle comb goes through the hair without any resistance.