How to Dry Your Calf the Right Way

Weaver Livestock ProStaffer Jon Gevelinger teaches you how to dry your calf the right way for a fast and efficient fitting process. With these tips, your calf’s hair will be perfectly prepped for clipping and fitting.

Here are a few of Jon's beset tips for drying your calf:

  1. Make sure that the blower nozzle is always pointing up in the air when not in use. If you turn the nozzle toward the ground, you’ll end up blowing dirt and bedding all over your clean calf.
  2. Grip the hose about 4-5 inches away from the tip of the nozzle. This allows the hose to flex and move over your calf, with less arm movement and energy on your part.
  3. Hold the hose so that the tip of the nozzle is lightly touching you calf. This lets you get down into the hide and undercoat to dry underneath that top layer of hair. Then, you can move back a bit to dry and fluff the top layer.
  4. Ease the air onto your calf, and start away from their head to avoid scaring them.
  5. Dry from the front of your calf to the back, repeating this process in rows going down your calf’s body. This ensures that the hair dries and lays uniformly.
  6. Make sure the air flow is going toward the front shoulder. This is the direction you want the hair to lay when dry.